Wednesday, November 30, 2011

C4K - November Comments


11-6 Comment

For my first November comment, I had to comment on Mr. Mclung's class blog. I was assigned to the post "The Scramble for Africa." In this post, Mr. Mclung explained that his class had just discussed the Rise of Kingdoms in Africa. He said that one way he was teaching his class about it was through the use of political cartoons. He put a slide show of some of the cartoons he used in the post.

I replied and told him that I thought the political cartoons he chose were great representations of the issue. I also told him that I remembered my teachers in middle school using political cartoons, and that we always loved them.

11-13 Comment

For my second November comment, I had to comment on Mrs. Yollis' Project 365 Blog. I was assigned to post 276 called "Rhodie!". This post was wrote by Mrs. Yollis, and she told her students about a dog named "Rhodie" that she and her husband were dog-sitting. She told about how much work it was taking care of him, and defined the word "tend" for her students. Then, she asked them if they have any animals that need tending to.

I responded and told her that I like how she uses a class blog to help teach her students on. I also told her a little about my dog "Hershey", and what all I have to do to take care of her.

Part two of 11-20 Comment

For my third November comment, I was assigned to a student named "Silas", who is a student at Pt England School in New Zealand. I commented on his blog "The Planet Vars". In this post, he made up a planet called "Vars", and he told about a boy named Brian who lived on it. He also told about how huge it was, and showed a picture of it.

I commented back and told him that I thought his planet was cool, and that I would love to visit it some day. I also told him that he needed to make sure to place commas and periods as needed.

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