Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog Post #3

Technology in a classroom

It's Not About Technology

I'll admit, at first when I read this I was thinking "what?" But then the more that I read, the more I understand. She is saying that everyone is trying to say that technology is the only thing that we need to change in our educating systems. She pointing out that even with new technology, if teachers don't adjust their ways of teaching, the technology is pointless. Her main supporting points are that 1.)Teachers should be learners, 2.)Learning and teaching are not the same thing, 3.)Technology is useless without good teaching, 4.)Be a 21st century teacher without the use of technology.

Well, she is right. Technology is useless without good teaching! We have to learn to teach the children effectively to where they understand us, and where we're coming from. Once we've mastered that, then we incorporate technology. As teachers, we really must watch the children and attempt to use teaching methods that affect the children in the best way. In my opinion, technology really does help to get them to pay attention better. When I was in elementary school, I had a hard time paying attention. In middle school, teachers began using overhead projectors, which made it a little easier. Then, in high school, teachers started using powerpoint presentations and smart boards. That is really when I started being able to grasp the concepts of what they were teaching. It was just more interesting to me than listening to them talk for hours! I understand where this lady is coming from, and I agree with her that we should be learners as well as teachers, and learn how to be a good teacher before we throw technology into the picture.

Is it ok to be a technologically illiterate teacher?

In this post, he basically talks about how important it is for teachers to be technologically literate. He goes through many opinions about why he feels this way. I found his blog to be very impressive and interesting.

He made this statement: "If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write." This is a very powerful statement. And in a way, it is very true. Teachers need to learn how to use technology efficiently. Using technology in the classrooms really helps students to pay attention and be more interested in what is going on. He also talks about back in the 20th century. When it first began, people who couldn't read or write could still be successful. The further along it came though, the harder it was for them to find jobs and be able to do anything. When comparing to the 21st century, if you are not able to at least type or use computers, then you are uneligible for many jobs.

Gary Haynes Social Media Count

Right after I clicked on this link, the numbers began changing so fast I couldn't keep up with them! I noticed that within 60 seconds, facebook had over 600,000 items that were shared. It is definitely shocking to watch the numbers change that fast in one minute alone!

As a future educator, this means that I really have to start trying to be technologically literate. Whenever we took our edm310 questionaires, it asked whether or not I considered myself to be technologically literate. At the time, I said "yes." Now, I say "no." Taking this class has made me realize just how important keeping up with the latest technology really is! Especially as an educator. Earlier in this post I talked about how I couldn't pay attention in school until, basically, technology got incorporated the tiniest bit. If we are going to teach in this generation, we are going to have to use the latest gadgets and technology to keep up with them. My 12 year old brother apparently knows more about computers than I do! This is embarassing, and not good at all. We are just going to have to try our bests to stay updated!

A Vision of Students Today

This video was very interesting to me. I tried to watch it from the point of view of an educator. What I got from it was that the students were basically miserable because the class seemed to have no bit of technology to keep them interested. The teacher used chalkboards instead of a smart board, or a projector.

As educators, we have to understand not only the attention span of students, but also what keeps them interested. The majority of the students' signs talked about how much they use technology out of class, some during class because they were so bored. I know it said to focus as an educator, but I have to say that as a student, I understand where they are coming from. This video relates to all of the assignments I've wrote about in this blog post, and I know It sounds like I am repeating myself; But this goes to show that it is far easier to keep students' attention with the latest technology of their generation.


  1. Hello Hillary,
    I too enjoyed the eye-opening material for blog post 3. I agree that technology is very important, but teachers must still teach. You made several good points but you may want to look at your sentence structure. There really isn't anything wrong but it doesn't flow very well. Also, I would love to know what all this means to you as a soon to be mom and a aspiring student.
    Christopher Reindl

  2. Hillary,

    Good job evaluating the assignments! It seems like you are ready to fully embrace everything EDM310 has to offer you - and your education - which is WONDERFUL!

    Make sure to watch out for capitalization errors in your titles. It is unprofessional to improperly capitalize titles of others' videos. Also, your personal Google presentation should be in a separate post, Thank you!

    Have a great day!

    Rebekah Lloyd
